
Swearing In & El Dia de Asunción

And with that, we are now all officially volunteers.  Who would have ever suspected that it takes so much hard work and dedication just to become a volunteer?

The past 10 weeks were exhausting, exciting, and most importantly, infinite amounts of fun.  Our host community could not have welcomed us more than they did. Gracias Villeta, we are so grateful.   I already miss the haunted house, the river Paraguay with its view of Argentina, sharing pizza with the endless slew of visitors at our home, and our two host sisters, Anahi and Paz, who always provided us with laughter and good times.

I am also so proud of our host mom, who spoke eloquently on behalf of all the host parents at our swearing-in ceremony.


4 Days in Alaska

Our friends: “Do you guys want to go to Alaska before you leave to Paraguay?” Us: “Um, yes.”

We decided on a date, got on a plane and went to Fairbanks. And then three months later I finally took the time to share the pictures. I am very timely like that.

So, let’s talk Alaska and company. The scenery in Alaska is spectacular; the mountains, the snow, the vegetation, and the, uh, pipeline. We visited Denali National Park, which is larger than Massachuesetts, and houses Mt. McKinley—the tallest mountain in the USA. Except Mr. Mt. McKinley decided that this trip was not our time to see him, so he very adeptly hid behind the clouds. But the mountains that surround him were spectacular enough for me.


Birthdays, Parrots, and Ignorance

I am an ignorant fool.

I very incorrectly imagined adapting to Paraguay’s culture would be easy peasy.  This was my train of thought “I am a Latina, Paraguay is in Latin America, therefore Paraguay must be very similar to my Latin roots of Puerto Rico.”

Here’s the thing I didn’t take into consideration: Paraguay is over 3000 miles away from Puerto Rico.  Its influences and historic backgrounds are vastly different.  Its traditions, culture, and manner of speaking are on separate playing fields.

The amount of words/terms that are used here that I am unfamiliar with are infinite.   For example, last Friday I got a “Brushin” – which, by the way, consists of getting your hair washed (for 25 minutes) with a head massage, thoroughly blow dried, then straightened for a whopping  $4.80.   I digress, during my “Brushin” the stylist and I start discussing architecture degrees/licenses in the U.S. of A.


Life in Paraguay

Mba’eichapa (hello in Guarani).

Today marks a week since Jon and I left the United States.  It already feels like a decade ago.

We now reside in the picturesque country of Paraguay.  Paraguay is the land of red dirt roads, cows, orange trees, and terere.  Sometimes you must be weary of the cows, particularly at night.  They are everywhere. Including your neighbor’s front lawn in town.  And unlike the U.S. of A here they have horns.  Also, don’t confuse them with dogs.

I would like to introduce you to our host family and home for the next three months.  Our mom is Gladis, our father is Oscar, and we have two teenage sisters, Paz and Anahi.  They are simply great.  And hilarious.  Really hilarious. Do you know when you laugh so much that your cheeks hurt?  That’s what it’s like being around them.  Life is funny and it feels darn good to laugh.


Fluffy Strawberry Vanilla Cupcakes

Jon and I live in a slightly strange world.  Though, technically speaking, we all live slightly strangely.

How is our world strange?  Well, one reason, among many rest assured, is the lack of a few standard American household items/gadgets in our lives.  We don’t have a TV, nor a microwave, and lack smart phones.

But this is the story of the one thing I have discovered I cannot live without. The dishwasher.  When I first moved in with Jon to our apartment there was no dishwasher and since we are always experimenting in the kitchen there were always lots of dishes.  Slowly I started to hate those dishes more and more.  It was a never ending pile.  My hands would get wrinkly and I was spending over an hour per day at the sink.