
Fluffy Strawberry Vanilla Cupcakes

Jon and I live in a slightly strange world.  Though, technically speaking, we all live slightly strangely.

How is our world strange?  Well, one reason, among many rest assured, is the lack of a few standard American household items/gadgets in our lives.  We don’t have a TV, nor a microwave, and lack smart phones.

But this is the story of the one thing I have discovered I cannot live without. The dishwasher.  When I first moved in with Jon to our apartment there was no dishwasher and since we are always experimenting in the kitchen there were always lots of dishes.  Slowly I started to hate those dishes more and more.  It was a never ending pile.  My hands would get wrinkly and I was spending over an hour per day at the sink.


Vanilla Almond Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

I met several interesting people this week.  This might be due to my living in the mall for three days and a day long visit to my old office.  Ok, you got me; I didn’t actually sleep in the mall.  But, I did spend an approximate total of 20 hours over the course of those three days lingering in the halls of a strange contrived world full of fluorescent lights.  I forgot to add that I was with a nine month old.  Lots of fun.

On to the stories these people shared with me.  The first has to do with Mario.