Oh my gosh, Becky, look at her…
Apologies, I currently have that song on constant repeat in my head.
Do you ever feel like something that should be relatively simple, very quickly becomes way too complicated. Especially when it has to do with the government. Ah, yes, my favorite, the government.
I think I’ve been reading The Hunger Games too much lately because that previous sentence made me scared that someone from the government would sense my sarcasm and come hunt me down.
By the way, The Hunger Games has had me in a drunken stupor for the past two weeks. I can not stop reading those darn books. It’s like crack. Actually, It’s more like when I read The Help. When I stayed up until 3am on a Thursday reading and then dragged myself into the office the next morning, barely able to keep my eyes open. Despite the droopy eyes, I may or may not have placed the book under my keyboard and just continued reading it for the rest of the day.